Saskatchewan - Regina


Before I get lost at the provincial legislature, here's a stegosaurus for your pleasure, at Saskatchewan and Lewvan Drives.

Pine Island, seen from Lakeshore Drive on the west side of Wascana Lake.

Looking east and west from Broad Street across Wascana Lake. The eastward view gives you sundogs, little points of rainbow light on either side of the sun reflected by ice crystals in the sky. The westward view gives you the Saskatchewan Legislative Building, which is about to occupy just about all of my photos.

More views as I circle northwest to Wascana Drive.

A full circle of the building, starting on the west side (Memorial Way at Legislative Drive) and walking the wrong way around the back on A Avenue. Please, no P near the building.

Still got sundogs, looking east across Wascana Lake from there.

Architectural closeups, mainly of the front of the building (the first is from the back).

Regina Roads
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