Misc. - Animals - Liberty Science Center

Animals of Liberty Science Center, NJ

These animals are all in separate tanks in one of the rooms at LSC. I picked the coolest ones to show you here.

Since I said tanks, I'll start with the fish. The first is a bearded lungfish, the second is a shiny piranha.

You may think you've seen a stick insect, but THIS is a (prickly) stick insect! It's bigger and full of barbs because it's from eastern Australia, and therefore could probably kill and eat you.

Poison dart frogs! Just adorable. Please don't nuzzle.

On to the reptiles, this turtle has gorgeous fins and shell and little teethies.

Bearded lizard with little scalies.

Gila monster with little bumpies... okay, I'll stop.

Closing out with a pair of snakes, click on the second photo for a closeup of the timber rattler.

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