Pennsylvania Roads - US 13 - S. of Philly
US 13 south of Philadelphia

SB old street signs in Trainer, and old buildings in Marcus Hook, ending at the Municipal Building.

NB in Chester courtesy Lou Corsaro, gone now.

One more old sign remains at US 322, southbound, and then there's some dreck replacing the other old stuff. The font is bad enough, but it's the eerie luminescence of that Delaware River Port Authority green at nighttime that gets to me.

Here's one of the new NB signs, and the sign on the ramp that doesn't quite match the others. How did DRPA pull out a narrow shield - they must have forgotten to stretch it abnormally like the others.

If you want US 322 West instead of East, turn on Engle St. (signed from US 13 as to these two routes), and then come to these signs at Concord Road after crossing I-95. That connection to US 13 saves me from having to decide whether to put this sign on the 322 or the 95 page.

Kerlin St. heading south from I-95's Exit 5 and then across PA US 13.

This must have looked nice once, back when Chester was a place worth being. In case you're wondering, it does not still work, as this photo was taken at 12:15. The clock is on the northwest corner of the PA 352 terminus.

This thing of a church is on the SB side between Upland and Potter Streets, still in Chester.

I believe this old keystone has not before been discovered by a roadgeek, or even been noticed for many years. Luckily, it was winter, so I caught this behind a parking lot.

Coming back in warmer times, here is the bridge itself, seen on the western (SB) side.

Sometime after posting my last caption, either PennDOT, Delaware County, or Woodlyn caught on, and restored the sign to its original condition. Good on you, whoever you were.

Another finding that easily escapes notice, look to the south as you near Crum Creek (but don't miss the keystone), and you'll spy in the distance the plus-shaped Baldwin Office Building, the centerpiece of the early-to-mid 20th century operations of the Baldwin Locomotive Works. As a last vestige of its history, the US Federal Railroad Administration maintains a presence there.

Unlike most places in Pennsylvania, the keystone isn't the only old sign in town. It's especially surprising that the sign must have been struck or otherwise knocked down, because it now faces west instead of south.

SB at a monument across from Taylor Ave. Thanks to a brief SB frontage road, Taylor is cut off from 13.

The most awesomest house in Ridley Park is on the southwest corner of US 13 and Hetzel Rd.

As I head south through Ridley Park, my photographic skills improve greatly. The first two are Swarthmore and Ladomus Aves.

The best one of all was the one I took NB. I also stopped on the side of the road for it, which obviously helped.

Muckinipatis Creek flows under this bridge, seen here on the northwest side of US 13/Chester Pike. Not every body of water needs an original name. "Muck Creek" is just fine.

Exiting the Church's Chicken in Sharon Hill (or else it's at Folcroft Ave., the next block down). It's embossed, it's on US 13, it goes here.

Speaking of Folcroft Ave., it crosses unfortunately named Hermesprota Creek as it heads north toward US 13. Cover your children's eyes before they read this caption.

Wrong-type shields for the short closure of MacDade Blvd. between Springfield Rd. and Main St. in Darby. It wasn't a long detour for cars - maybe 300 feet extra driving distance - but trucks apparently had to go north to at least Providence Road before coming back, a mile-plus long detour for a 1000-foot road. This apparently made truckers angry, so one of them flattened that sign and everyone was happier.

SB at Bell Ave., then Parmlee Ave. WB and EB at US 13/Church Lane, all in Yeadon.

Ceci n'est pas un keystone.

In summer 2005, PA 13 traffic could follow the Baltimore Pike WB for a spell after US 13 left the Pike, and then turn south. Of course, since there is no PA 13, I imagine all the US 13 through traffic followed US 13.

For the brief time US 13 travels through Yeadon, it raises the rent. The rent is too damn high!
Continue north on US 13
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Into Delaware on US 13
Onto US 322
To I-95
Onto Baltimore Pike, old US 1
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