Pennsylvania Roads - PA 162

PA 162

Eastbound at and over West Branch Brandywine Creek in Embreeville.

One westward view of the Embreeville Bridge.

A bit to the east, watch the fields to the south of the road in Embreeville Park. Magically, this 19th-century stone bridge appears as you round a bend, and disappears just as quickly if you're not paying attention. There's no road that ever crossed it - it seems to just be some old farmer's driveway from long ago, but whoever owns the property now is actually interested in preserving it. My jaded experience tells me there's a developer behind it (not that I could see a reason for development this far out), but I'm hoping it's just a wealthy and beneficent landowner.

PA 162 itself crosses one of the 19th-century bridges just outside West Chester. In its current state as of December 2010, you can see the steps needed to refurbish such a historic structure instead of replacing it. By the end of the job, more material will be new than not, but the appearance will remain classic.

Detoured to the east end of the bridge, looking WB.

At the corner of Business US 322, Downingtown Pike.

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