New Zealand Roads - NZ 6

NZ 6

All photos on all pages were taken southbound.

As NZ 6 turns right in Ross, straight ahead at St. James St. is this old platform that looks very much like an oil derrick, but New Zealand isn't known for its oil. In particular, Ross sits among gold deposits, so this is a poppet head, which sits over a mine shaft and is used for hauling up ore. Ross was the original south terminus of NZ 6 until it was constructed all the way down the coast and through Haast Pass starting in the 1950s. The road out to Ross Beach was about as far down the coast as you could get until then.

North of Greymouth

Greymouth to Ross

Ross to Knights Point

Knights Point and south

Ross is full of history. The first monument is to the Great War (WWI) and the second is even older, for the Boer War - and, in fact, for just one local who died there. They don't make monuments for individuals anymore. You just get a participation trophy.

NZ 6 Non-Roads
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