New York Roads - NY 295

Westbound nearing the end of NY 295, Locust Street splits off from the mainline and heads straight to a traffic circle at NY 66. It was old 295, and the new one simply doesn't cross the tracks and thus bypasses that circle.

Compare this new-style shield to the traditional one at the same angle. More black space is caused by a sharper tilt to the bottom wedge of the state shield, and then terminating the side of the shield lower gives a more pronounced hump in the center. It's wrong.

Albany Turnpike Road crossing the railroad adjacent to NY 295, facing northeast.

Crossing westward.

Built by Berlin Construction Company, Berlin, CT 1909. And it still carries a good deal of local traffic.

Crossing eastward.

Pohndorf Drive, which serves houses on the west rail embankment, has the embossed sign just north of Albany Turnpike Road, and then some 1909 railing to keep your car from driving down the hill into a train.

That there's Massachusetts, but in a few inches it will be New York. MA numbers its side 295 in cooperation, for the short distance it exists.

To the Taconic State Pkwy.
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