New York Roads - NY 198
NY 198, Scajaquada Expressway
NY 198 and NY 33 form a mini-inner loop in Buffalo, with I-190 along the Lake Erie coast. 198 has service roads east of Delaware Park, and is pretty much a freeway (though there's a surface intersection with Parkside Avenue). 33 failed to be completed across town but Oak St./Elm St. provide the effective completion.

All of the blank yellow fields on these WB signs date to when I-190 still had a toll just to the south, warning traffic to use NY 265/266 or I-190 NB if they didn't want to pay. Click on the first and third photos for Doug Kerr's versions that predate the toll plaza removal.

The recently and tastefully redone Grant St. overpass, facing EB.

The EB Elm St. exit ramp sign, just off the mainline.

EB on the fun part of the Scajaquada, the part with all the button copy. This is the first NY freeway I've seen finished in stone.

WB signage, middle (Main St.) photo courtesy Doug Kerr because it's hard to take reverse photos when someone else is driving.

Construction at the end of NY 198 on the NY 33 NB ramp to 198 WB.
Onto I-190
Onto NY 265
Onto NY 266
Onto NY 384
Onto NY 5
Onto NY 33
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