New York Roads - Newburgh


This old fire... standpipe? pull box? is in front of an old wall that supported an old street that went uphill from Colden St. A block to the east, old NY 17K/52 was parallel doing the same thing, but Colden St. was still here between them as far as 1st St., so no one could live or locate any business here. Since there are plenty of existing places available to do those things, the old street and wall remain.

Heading uphill on the old street SB, which appears to have grown its own ecosystem. SUNY is now sitting on the rest of the street to the south, but it once ended at Broadway.

Heading north and spotlighting old pavement reinforcement.

Another ecosystem is taking root in the abandoned half of the bridge over 3rd St. east of Front St.

You can no longer see the cobblestones on South St. east of Grand St. I hope they're still under the new asphalt.

NY 17K
NY 32
NY 52
NY 207
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