New York Roads - Long Island Motor Pkwy. - Nassau Co. - Manhasset Hills WB

Long Island Motor Parkway
Nassau County - Manhasset Hills, WB

Starting at Shelter Rock Rd. and coming to some sort of concrete post. It could be a right of way marker, but I know it's not a guiderail post like every other vertical concrete object along the Parkway's route. Which of course makes it worth stopping to look at.

Over hill and dale, through swamp and flood, my Parkway tour makes its appointed rounds and comes at last to the Old Court House Rd. overpass. Notice that through the worst of the muck, there are wooden beams laid out to walk over. Considering this right of way is nominally off limits according to the one sign on New Hyde Park Rd., the wooden beam would seem unnecessary....

Back under the bridge, behind the condos, to New Hyde Park Rd. and the end of this stretch of Parkway.

The roadway grade no longer leads up on top of the abutment that marked the east side of the New Hyde Park Rd. overpass, so you can see how it was built up with stone. Again, this is something you won't see anywhere else on the Parkway anymore.

Although there's no trace of the Parkway to the west, it ran partly on the Northern State Pkwy. EB Exit 26A ramp (seen here) and partly just to the north in the grassy area, presumably up to the tree line on either side (being somewhat wider than the single-lane ramp).

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