New York Roads - Long Island Motor Pkwy. - Nassau Co. - New Hyde Park

Long Island Motor Parkway
Nassau County - New Hyde Park

After crossing Shelter Rock Rd. from Manhasset Hills, a power station built right on the Parkway right of way prevents you from continuing along the right of way. That rules out access from the western end, and both sides are rimmed with houses. Turn onto Reed Dr. from I.U. Willets Rd. and park right away. Walk west along I.U. Willets a block and turn down the school driveway. While it's not easy, look on the right for a tall stand of bushes and trees, and plan your attack strategy. You and/or your clothes are likely to suffer some scratches because there is no clear entry into the right of way, but there did not appear to be any prohibition about entering. East of here and into Albertson, the only trace of the Parkway alignment is Sugar Maple Dr. (off of Reed Dr.), which is just a residential street.

After entering the Parkway right of way from the school driveway, there is a lot of mess to pick your way past before finally being certain of your footing on the old alignment.

Continuing west, the path is still grass and mud between two fences for much of its length.

The original Parkway makes a brief appearance with asphalt pavement and the telltale concrete curb/berm.

Continuing west as far as I can before the power station. It was not clear whether the Private Property signs were intended to apply to the Parkway or other private property, but since I'm not motorized, I was not worried. (And I wasn't dumping.)

Turning back east and headed back across the little bit of pavement to the rest of the grass and mud. Then I saw another Private Property sign. I can honestly say I did not research whether this right of way is open to be walked or not, but you may want to take the time.

Finishing the eastbound walk to the dense wall of trees at the end. Now you see why it's not easy to get onto this section.

West to Manhasset Hills
East to Williston Park and Mineola
The Parkway in Nassau County
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