New York Roads - Jackie Robinson Pkwy.

Jackie Robinson Parkway
If you're from New York, it's the Interboro.

A look at the sharp cemetery curves in the middle of the Parkway. Straightening them would require moving even more bodies, strangling the Parkway in the same way the Garden State Parkway in NJ can't be widened in Essex County.

I finally learned to put on my flash in dusk. All WB. East of Exit 6, the Parkway was shoehorned into the middle of Union Tpk., but with development all around, there wasn't much room. These lanes seem to be less than 10' wide, barely fitting two cars together at the tightest spots. The extreme lack of width coupled with the walls and low bridges make this an especially claustrophobic and dangerous road.

All EB. Once again, the lanes are so narrow that cars actually have to brake to prevent getting next to each other, because there's no room to pass. The last photo is on the same gantry as one on Union Turnpike - click that photo to see the rest. Note that all of the signs have "IBP" followed by a number - meaning these were all erected when this was still the Interboro Parkway. Of course, the redesignation happened in 1997 after the demise of button copy. When these signs are replaced they'll probably be inventoried with JRP instead.

Exit 6 to NY 25
Exit 7 to I-678
Exit 8 to the Grand Central Parkway
The Jackie Robinson Parkway on Steve Anderson's
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