New Jersey Roads - US 1-9
Perhaps the best-known multiplex anywhere, "1 and 9" are the epitome of New Jersey, from their merge in suburban Middlesex County in the midst of malls, through strip malls, restaurants, and other businesses along a six-lane Jersey freeway, to a four-carriageway freeway around Newark Airport, to two elevated structures high above Newark and industrial areas, to the famous Pulaski Skyway, then up a four-lane surface road, through more suburbia, and finally merging onto the 1/9/46 approach to the grandly soaring George Washington Bridge.
Top: An Elizabeth shopping center goes vertical instead of NJDOT's horizontal. Courtesy Scott Colbert.
The one true Pulaski Skyway (I-93 in Massachusetts is a pretender). It may be over 70 years old, narrow, and on its last legs, but it can out-beautiful any other highway.
Pulaski Skyway SB video (3:30)
US 1-9 NB
US 1-9 SB
Construction of US 1-9 connector to US 1-9T
US 1-9 Truck
US 1/9/46
US 1/9/46/I-95
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Left: US 1-9 fit in a two digit shield (they are just two digits, sure), and the whole assembly fits on a one-piece sign, on Union Turnpike WB in North Bergen.
Into New York on US 1
Into New York on US 9
To NJ 3
To the NJ Turnpike (I-95)
The Pulaski Skyway on Steve Anderson's
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