New Jersey Roads - NJ 440

The first shield above was on Middlesex CR 616 WB (New Brunswick Avenue). The second one, on Amboy Ave. SB at Grove St. EB (the continuation of Pfeiffer Blvd. as the NB frontage road), is courtesy Scott Colbert.

Southern NJ 440

Northern NJ 440

Historical NJ 169

NJ 440 is a road with an identity crisis. There are two NJ 440's, split by NY 440 through Staten Island. Staten Island geographically falls more within NJ than NY, but I'm not making a case to claim it. In any event, NJ 440 starts as an extension of I-287 in Edison, continuing as a full freeway into NY via the Outerbridge Crossing, thus making the change of designation that happens over the NJ Turnpike somewhat arbitrary. It emerges again across stunning Bayonne Bridge to the north. Like NJ 440, CR 501 uses both bridges, disappearing at the border and then magically reappearing, but there is no NY 501 or Richmond County 501 for continuity. In Bayonne, the NJ 440 freeway between the bridge and the end of the existing expressway (underneath I-78 but with no connection at that point) was never built, so 440 follows what once was NJ 169 - in many cases, 440 shields simply replaced 169 shields on BGS's. At the end of the expressway, the former NJ 169 junction, there was until recently a loop ramp exit from 440 SB to 169 SB that all traffic had to follow (would have been a trumpet); recent work has straightened the highway out so that both sides dip in a U shape underneath I-78 to run on the part of former 169 running E-W just to the north of I-78.

Into NY on NY 440
Onto CR 501
Onto NJ 184
The existing NJ 440 southern freeway and unbuilt NJ 440 northern freeway on Steve Anderson's
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