Michigan Roads - M-43/Bus. US 131/Bus. I-94 Kalamazoo

M-43 and Business US 131/I-94 in Kalamazoo

The best part about this page is that M-43 isn't in Kalamazoo anymore. But it was when I was there, only later being brought up US 131 and east well north of the city. The old route northeast of Kalamazoo was renumbered to M-343. These are (were) EB on M-43, with the last two photos on the left and right.

EB on the brief and now historical triplex, left and right sides.

The WB concurrency is much shorter (or even non-existent) because Bus. US 131 SB is two blocks west of the NB side and bears off almost immediately with Bus. I-94.

WB at Bus. US 131 NB, the noted two blocks east. The first two photos are on the left and right as Michigan does.

Out of Kalamazoo but still not alone, M-43 here is joined with M-50 WB as they meet M-66. Only one of these three routes is truly being junctioned.

Onto Bus. US 131/Bus. I-94 alone
Regular US 131
Regular I-94

Onto M-66
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