Maryland Roads - Misc. Routes

Misc. Routes

All photos are southbound. No, just kidding.

Unusual historical sign style (perhaps only for Civil War sites) on MD 65 SB in Hagerstown - they're usually black on white.

This old crossbucks is so cool, I photographed it twice, EB and WB on the west side of New Windsor.

Continuing on MD 31 EB through town, I came upon this error, but it's not what's obvious on this sign. "Old New" is entirely correct, since it's the old pike to New Windsor. However, the road to the right is Slingluff Road. I didn't even know that when I took the photo.

On MD 249 at Piney Point.

Spotted on MD 352 WB not too far from its eastern beginning.

MD 471 NB and the west end of MD 674 by the water in Rock Hall.

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