Alps' Roads Special - New Haven Road Meet

New Haven Road Meet, July 23, 2011

I came, I met, I did other stuff. The goal was to drive different highways in CT, and most of the meet would have covered familiar ground. Leaving early, I came up through Greenwich on I-95 to Mianus Pond (teehee), and down to Stamford on local roads. I followed CT 136 "northbound" (east) to CT 57, up CT 33 to CT 35, over CT 102 to US 7, and back downCT 57 to CT 15 NB. That was the first loop. The second one began by using Bridgeport city streets to US 1, then up CT 108 to its end. I followed CT 110 over to CT 8 and hopped over CT 34 to CT 115 and CT 313. That took me into New Haven, where I followed local streets to CT 10 and CT 40 for some photo retakes, then down I-91 SB to an old sign at the base of the Exit 7 ramp. I took Ferry St. to US 5 and rejoined I-91 at Exit 6, the proposed East Rock Connector, to head to the meet.

The first stop of the meet was Criscuolo Park, with views of I-95 "Q-Bridge" (Quinnipiac River) construction between New Haven and East Haven. Joining me (in green, kneeling to the right) are meet Anthony Costanzo (also kneeling, center) and, from left to right, Adam Moss, Daniel Case and son, Doug Krause and son, Bob Malme, John Housty, Doug Kerr, Corey Dukes, Dylan Lainhart, Valerie Deane, Mike Tantillo, Lou Corsaro, and Carl Tessier. Not pictured was this windmill:

Since we'd already covered the other parts of the meet, which included the CT 40 freeway and a drive on the Merritt Parkway, Lou and I kept driving into the eastern half of Connecticut, starting with CT 337 to CT 142. For a third loop, I hopped east ("northbound") on US 1 to clinch CT 146, then east again to CT 79 NB. At the end, I turned south on CT 17 to CT 77 back to its end, then back west/SB into East Haven on US 1. I turned north onto Ferry St. at CT 337 and back up to the railroad trestle at I-91, then headed west through New Haven to Whitney Ave. (secret CT 707, former CT 10A) and up to CT 10 in Hamden. That was it for Connecticut exploration, so I took Dixwell Ave. over to CT 40, I-91 to I-95, and ended up on the Hutchinson River Pkwy. in New York to dodge traffic. Being on the east side of the onerous Hudson River tolls, I extended the evening by driving I-278 to I-87 and grabbing a free bridge into Manhattan, then down Harlem River Drive and F.D.R. Drive to downtown for some photo retakes and poutine. The Holland Tunnel and NJ 139 to US 1-9 concluded my journey. From what I've heard, the meet participants enjoyed their afternoon as much as I did mine, and that's what matters.

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