Louisiana Roads - Abita Springs

Abita Springs

Two halves of the same stop sign at Main St. The non-standard one-way sign leads to confusion when paired with "no right turn." Is it only no right turn when the road is one way, or at all times? Which way is the one way during the prescribed times? It can be implied, but what if it's actually one-way to the right but you just can't turn that way anyway?

A better look at street signs in town on LA 36.

Old gas pumps outside the Abita Mystery House. It's a mystery why anyone would want to fall into the tourist trap, but you can get up close and personal with these pumps without going inside by clicking on either photo for closeups of gas meters that can't count to 10 dollars and notices that your motor fuel had BETTER contain tetraethyl, because you don't want your kids growing up too smart.

Among a sweeping array of circuit boards pressed against the ceiling of the inimitable Abita Mystery House - and this is just in the gift shop, mind you - is but one road sign, and it is of a place that does not exist in any state. Metairie does have a Bucktown neighborhood, the only city within 1,000 miles or more that can lay any claim to the name, but this is the Mystery House after all, so the provenance of this sign ought to be mysterious after all.

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